Friday 7 September, 2007

X and O

The game of Tic-tac-toe is played in a large square divided into nine small squares.
[1] Each of two players in turn places his or her mark -usually X or O-in a small square.

---------- X O __
------X __ __
------O O --X

[2] The player who first gets three marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line wins.
[3] A player will always place his or her mark in a line that already contains (a) two of his or her own marks or (b) two of his or her opponent's marks- giving (a) priority over (b).
Only the last mark to be placed in the game shown above is not given.
Which mark-X or O- wins the game?


"Sajal" said...

O wins the game.
I found it by hit and trial.
no logical reason behind this one.
so if someone is able to produce a reason, i wont get the points.
But i know my answer is correct.

"Sajal" said...

My hit and trial goes this way..
Let this be the notation.
a b c



Steps..(o starts the game.)

1)O in a3
2)X in a2
3)O in b1
4)X in a1
5)O in b3
6)X in c3

Thus the next chance is of O who places it in b2 and wins.

Bring_it_on said...

sajal if ur answer is correct tht if o wins the game by putting it in b2 i dont see how this can b called a puzzle.

Bring_it_on said...

see my comment on relations.