Friday 20 June, 2008

The Brilliant Mananger

There is a hotel which has infinite rooms. One day, infinite guests arrive and fill those rooms (obviously some rooms would be empty!). Suddenly, at midnight, a VIP arrives and demands a room for himself immediately. The manager of the hotel is not at all worried and arranges for the room in one minute. How is it possible to find one empty room out of infinite rooms in just one minute!?
Level- Easy
P.S. - This puzzle was given to us by our maths teacher while doing the chapter relations and functions!


Bring_it_on said...

well the post script was useful because i had came across this, but it was a paradox and yes it was the same site for my previous paradox,
well i think i shld leave it to be answered.

"Sajal" said...

i was recently told about this question by shikhar.
On the phone, he took this question as the answer was obvious but i rate this very high.
I dont know if i would have been able to crack it if i didn't know the answer

Espèra said...

The manager shifts every guest to the next room. That is, the guest from Room 1 goes to Room 2 and so on. Then, he gives the vacant Room 1 to the VIP.
(Aw c'mon. Infinity + 1 = Infinity. At least, I think I am right.)

sujana said...

what is the answer? a hint????

Shashwat said...

The answer that Espera gave is absolutly correct!