Thursday 23 August, 2007

The First Puzzle

Male-Female balance
In a certain land to increase the number of females so as the females can outnumber the males, a ruler, ordered the following: "As soon as a mother gave birth to her first son, she would be forbidden to have any more chilren." the ruler argued that some families can have more girls but no family would have more than one boy thereby creating a higher ratio of girls to boys. Now do you really think the ruler's strategy would work? Why and why not?


"Sajal" said...

If you want to change your knickname(e.g newton) please inform me!

Shashwat said...

No I dont think that the ruler was correct in his rule.
Bcoz there is only 25% chance that the number of girls would outnumber boys in a family.
And 50% chance that there wud b more boys and the rest 25% is that both nos are same.
Boy Girl
(50%) (50%)
Boy Girl
(50%) (50%)
and so on..

"Sajal" said...

Please tell me who you are Mr.Einstein?
Your reason deserves only 20% (maybe 30%) please think for a more particular answer.....

"Sajal" said...

read the question more carefully...i would advice

Bring_it_on said...
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Bring_it_on said...
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Bring_it_on said...

umm well i kind of know i am completely wrong but there might be some chance that i am right ( i won't get into the probabilities here)..

His theory is wrong as acc. to me the no. of boys and girls will remain the same........
just as a hypothesis take the no. of women to be 16.
so acc to 50 % prbability 8 will be boys 8 will be girls...........
now the eight will birth to 4 boys and 4 girls ............
4 gives birth to 2 boys and 2 girls.........
2 gives birth to a boy and a girl.........

don't worry i know its wrong and its rubbish logic.........
just temme the answer............

"Sajal" said...

should i wait for the other two fellows?

Ananth said...

the king is wrong, as the probability of n successive girls decreases as 1/2^n. In case the first is a boy (50-50) then the no. of boys wud increase by one. If, in another family the first is a girl and the second is a boy, the no. of boys increases by 1. If then, in another family first two are girls by chance, the third child will be a girl is not certain, it can be a boy, thus equalling the no. of boys and girls. For e.g. the probability that the tenth successive child will also be a girl is 1/1024 which is way too less. there will always be a boy in the middle.

"Sajal" said...

Assumptions: Probability of having boy is same as probability of having girl
All families continue to have kids until they have a boy

With these assumptions, there will always be the same number of boys and girls getting added to the population. Hence the number of girls will not increase.

Here's an example:
Let's say there are 100 families who have babies. 50 have boys an 50 have girls. Of the 50 who had girls, 25 have boys as 2nd child and 25 have girls. Of the 25 who have girls, 12 have boys and 12 have girls - and so and so forth. At every stage the number of boys and girls is the same and hence no change!

this is a typical case of the law of chances. A mother can get a boy or a girl with 50 % chance (lets rule out all other unknown existing possibilities for now :)). So in the long run if we sample the number of boys to the number of girls, then we will have a balance among the boys and the girls. The key here is that this process continues forever. It is not a finite set - the girls grow up and again the same law of chances hold good for them and this process continues.

Bring It On gets the credit and scores 1 point.
THE PUZZLE is SOLVED.No more comments for this one now.